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June Trip to Michigan

I’m a little overdue for this post about our trip to Michigan a few weeks ago, whoops! While we mostly spent time visiting family, we did a few new things, too. Detroit Zoo Despite living in Michigan for the better part of a decade, I’d never been to the Detroit Zoo. Nick and Margaret hadn’t been there … Continue reading »

Categories: Michigan, Museum, Outing, Photography | 5 Comments

Meadowbrook Pond & Homemade Pizza

Hi, everybody! Sorry it’s been so long since Nick and I blogged last. We’ve settled in at home and haven’t really had anything blog-worthy to talk about lately. We’re both very happy and doing well, though! 😀 The weather was beautiful yesterday (sunny and cloudless, temperature in the mid 50’s), so we went for a walk … Continue reading »

Categories: Cooking, Michigan, Outing, Park, Seattle | 3 Comments

Our last day at Wayne State

I’ve been working in the Marketing department at Wayne State for more than 4 years now. Marie has also been working in Marketing since February, filling in for our content administrator while she was out on maternity leave. So today is our last day working here (together) and it feels so weird. It’s been an … Continue reading »

Categories: Jobs, Michigan | Comments Off on Our last day at Wayne State

Our Relocubes have arrived

Our Relocubes from ABF have been delivered! They were scheduled to be delivered yesterday in the afternoon, but the folks at ABF called us up yesterday and let us know that their fleet of 2 delivery trucks was reduced to 1 and our cubes were going to be delayed. They were pretty cool about it … Continue reading »

Categories: Michigan, Old Apartment, The Move | 4 Comments

Michigan Oddities

There are a few funny things about Michigan that I’ve learned about since moving here. Here are just a few. 🙂 Fish flies Well, we sure aren’t going to miss fish flies. Most of you probably don’t know what a fish fly is, so I’ll get to that in a minute. Today, we went to … Continue reading »

Categories: Michigan, Social Gathering | 4 Comments