Author Archives: Nick
Being a Single Vehicle Household
Since being together Marie and I have owned 2 cars. In Michigan I don’t think we could have gotten by with just 1 car, even when we were working in the same building. But in 2008 we downsized one of our cars to a Smart Fortwo to help save us money on our 30 mile … Continue reading
Tandoori Chicken and a BBQ
One of the things that Marie and I were really excited for about getting a house was the ability to have a barbecue grill. This was a high priority purchase for us since summer just started and something about summer time grilling is just so appealing. Today, Marie’s dad, Larry, came over and we went … Continue reading
Crunchy Tortilla Chicken with Avocado Dip
Marie and I recently became the owners of two new cookbooks thanks to the communications team at the Information School and their generous and unexpected house warming present! Today we decided to try out one of the recipes from the “Bite Me: A Stomach-Satisfying, Visually Gratifying, Fresh-Mouthed Cookbook“. This cookbook is pretty awesome. It has some great … Continue reading
We’re Online
We just got our internet connection working and our computers are now set up! We’re fully online! We’re still working on unpacking and getting some boxes stashed in closets and storage areas. More posts coming later (with pics too)! 😀
The past couple weeks
This isn’t the promised post, but we just realized that we neglected to post about our outings over the past few weeks. Two weeks ago I participated in a Microsoft usability study. I got to spend the afternoon on Microsoft’s campus and be part of a focus group that provided feedback about an upcoming product. … Continue reading
A Real Post is Coming
So Marie and I have been pretty busy the past week or two. We have some news to share, but we’re still working on a great post about it, so in the mean time you can wonder what it is we’re going to be posting about. Until then, check out the awesome spring weather we’re … Continue reading
The Woodland Park Zoo
Earlier this year Marie picked up 4 tickets to the zoo on Groupon for a steal. So, yesterday Marie and I went to the Woodland Park Zoo with Carrie and Amanda (Marie’s mom and sister). Oddly enough, we realized that this was the first time Marie and I have been to a zoo together. It … Continue reading
We Got a New Camera
Marie and I have been without a nice camera for a while and although our phones have been great for taking snapshots here and there, we’ve been wanting to get a nicer bit of hardware so we can really take some great shots. So we finally decided that we should get ourselves an entry level … Continue reading
Spring has Sprung
As promised by Marie a post or two ago, here’s photo evidence that spring is here in Seattle. The cherry trees in the Quad at UW have bloomed and what a great day to capture of a picture of it! Last night I told Marie it would be nice out today and she dared … Continue reading
The Honest Store
So, I was hungry at lunch time and decided to take a walk to Jimmy John’s to grab a #4; well on my way to JJ’s I came across this spontaneous “store” that just showed up in Red Square sometime today. It’s The Honest Store and it sells Honest Tea. It turns out for $1 you … Continue reading