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June Trip to Michigan

I’m a little overdue for this post about our trip to Michigan a few weeks ago, whoops! While we mostly spent time visiting family, we did a few new things, too. Detroit Zoo Despite living in Michigan for the better part of a decade, I’d never been to the Detroit Zoo. Nick and Margaret hadn’t been there … Continue reading »

Categories: Michigan, Museum, Outing, Photography | 5 Comments

Living Computer Museum

Over the weekend, Nick and I went to check out the Living Computer Museum, a collection of computers assembled by Microsoft cofounder Paul Allen. The museum shows how computers have evolved over the years and what’s really cool is that most of the computers are up and running their original software and visitors can interact with them. … Continue reading »

Categories: Museum, Outing, Seattle | 1 Comment

Museum of Flight

Here’s a quick update on what’s been going on. Neither of us have been feeling well and Nick stayed home sick for most of the week. There was a shooting at my cousin’s school, but thankfully he’s okay. Yesterday, there was a big windstorm in Western Washington with 50 mph winds. Nick and I lost power, but … Continue reading »

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Seattle Central Library & Seattle Art Museum

Nick and I recently went to Seattle Public Library’s downtown Central Library and the Seattle Art Museum with our friend, Sean. It was the first time Nick and I had been to the Central Library (*gasp!*) and Nick’s first time visiting SAM (I had been there before, but it had been a long time). Seattle … Continue reading »

Categories: Museum, Outing, Seattle | 2 Comments

Curling & Pinball

Curling My family has found curling fascinating since, I think, the Winter Olympics in 2002. When I found out there was a curling club just down the road from us that offered open houses where they teach you the basics of curling, I got super excited and Nick’s mom’s visit was the perfect opportunity to … Continue reading »

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EMP Museum

Today, Nick and I went to the EMP (Experience Music Project) Museum. The EMP is a funny-looking building in Seattle Center whose design was inspired by smashed electric guitars. It is home to pop culture exhibits from music to science fiction to fantasy as well as the Sky Church, a performance space with one of the largest … Continue reading »

Categories: Museum, Outing, Seattle | 1 Comment

Chihuly Garden and Glass & Woodland Park Zoo

Chihuly Garden and Glass On Mother’s Day, a friend of Mom’s from Sweden was visiting, so we (Mom, Amanda, Nick, and I) showed her around downtown Seattle. Nick and I took the bus down and got there a little early, so we could pick up a few things at Pike Place Market. We met up … Continue reading »

Categories: Museum, Outing, Photography, Seattle, Social Gathering | Comments Off on Chihuly Garden and Glass & Woodland Park Zoo

Volunteer Park Conservatory

The last two days have been really nice, sunny days with temperatures in the 70’s. Today, however, Margaret and Donna got to experience a cool, wet Seattle day. Nick and I spent the morning taking a load of boxes over to the house and setting up some things there. It’s really starting to feel like home. … Continue reading »

Categories: Museum, Outing, Park, Restaurant, Seattle, Social Gathering, The Move, Townhouse | Comments Off on Volunteer Park Conservatory

The Burke Museum

On Thursday, we took advantage of free museum Thursday and went to The Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture, which is on the University of Washington campus. Dad had never been to UW’s campus before, so we walked around campus a bit and saw where Nick works. It’s a very pretty campus and Nick … Continue reading »

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