Clematis in our Backyard
It’s been almost 2 weeks since we moved in to our new house and it totally feels like home. 🙂 We still have some boxes to unpack and decorations to put up, though, which is probably why we haven’t uploaded many pictures of our place yet. Expect some soon, though! In the meantime, enjoy the picture on the right of the clematis (thank you for telling me what it was, Mom!) that is blooming in our backyard.
I started my new job as a software developer at a start-up game development company on Monday. I’m really excited to be working there and I know I’m going to learn a lot. My first few days were mostly setting up my computer and whatnot, but I started diving into code on Thursday. The guys I work with are pretty cool. The worst part is the commute, but I can more or less set my own work hours, so I’m trying to find out which times are best for driving.
The weather in Seattle has been really nice this week. The forecast for the upcoming week looks very summery, too – sunny and highs in the low 80’s. That’s a little hotter than I like it, but I’m not going to complain while the rest of the country is dealing with 100°+ temperatures. 😉
On July 1, Seattle enacted a plastic bag ban. Nick and I have been using reusable grocery bags for the past year, so it’s not a big deal for us, but we have to be extra careful not to forget them now. With our house, we also have a food and yard waste bin, which is new for us. Between food and yard waste and recycling, we find that we don’t produce that much actual garbage, which is kind of nice.
We met the couple we bought our house from earlier this week. They had some mail in the mailbox that didn’t get forwarded, so we said they could stop by to pick it up. They were really nice, friendly people and we enjoyed meeting them. They filled us in about our alarm system and told us that the shoe rack they left was custom-built for our house by her father, so they were happy we were using it.

Main Bathroom
One of the first decoration projects I tackled was the main bathroom. We only had one bathroom’s worth of bath mats, shower curtains, towels, etc., so I knew we would have to get something for the main bathroom fairly soon. I wrestled with various color palettes before I found a green and white shower curtain I liked and I picked the rest of the bathroom accessories based on it. The result is pictured on the left. Nick and I are really happy with it and smile every time we walk past the bathroom (it’s such a cheerful green!). Now we just need to find some art or something to put on the walls.
We also bought some curtains for our bedroom and a sofa for the living room that we’ll show off in another post. 🙂
The weather was really nice this evening, so Nick and I went for a walk around the neighborhood. We stopped at Joy Teriyaki to try out their teriyaki. We both liked it, but I think it could have used a little more teriyaki sauce. Yelp reviews for Joy Teriyaki recommend their Mongolian menu – especially the huushuur, a Mongolian pastry filled with beef, onion, and garlic. We’ll have to try it out next time!