Monthly Archives: July 2011
Three weeks later
The picture to the left is Drumheller Fountain. It’s right outside Mary Gates Hall (the building I work in) and on a clear day like today, you can see Mount Rainier in the distance. Unfortunately it doesn’t show up as well in the photo as it does in person. I’ve been working at the University … Continue reading
Mmm… raspberries!
One of the best parts of summer is enjoying fresh produce and one of my favorite things from childhood was eating raspberries off of Grandma and Grandpa’s raspberry bushes. 🙂 The trick when gathering raspberries is that for every two you eat, you put one in the gathering bowl. 😉 So, we went to Grandma … Continue reading
One week anniversary
Yesterday marked our one week anniversary of living in Seattle. Woo! The weather is sunny and 70 degrees right now and we have a beautiful weekend ahead of us. I’m glad we aren’t dealing with the heat that the rest of the country is putting up with. 😉 We haven’t blogged in a few days, so … Continue reading
Pictures of the New Apartment
Here are some pictures of the new apartment! This apartment is only 565 square feet (compared to 740 square feet at our old apartment), so we have had to be creative in finding places for our things. 😛 I think the pictures make the apartment look smaller than it feels, though. Working from left to … Continue reading
First Seattle Show
Nick and I went to our first show since our move to Seattle. My friend, Matt, is the drummer for a band called The Vain Transparent and they performed last night at Studio 7. I missed the name of the first band that performed, but the second band was a group from Arizona called Fight the … Continue reading
Been so busy
Marie and I have been so busy. Between all the excitement at my new job and moving into our apartment we haven’t had much time to spend online. But worry not! We setup our router, we’re online and we’ll be posting some pictures of the new apartment and stories of our happenings soon.
My first day at the University of Washington
Today was my first day working at the University of Washington Information School. It has been a pretty awesome day. Marie drove me down so I wouldn’t have to pay for parking ($15/day without having assign/prepaid parking). My office is in Mary Gates Hall (previously the physics building for those who were wondering what building … Continue reading
Just heard from Nick
I just heard from Nick! It sounds like he is having a great time. He said everyone is wonderful and they went out to lunch at Shultzy’s Sausage. I can’t wait to hear more about his day when I pick him up this evening! 😀
Nick’s first day of work
I’m back at Eric’s after dropping Nick off at the University of Washington for his first day of work. So exciting! It took us just over half an hour to get there and it took me a little less than half an hour to get back. Gotta love carpool lanes. 😉 Nick is now a … Continue reading
Old Apartment – Before & After
We are busy people! Sorry we haven’t updated the blog in a few days; we have been out and about and the data is come-and-go at the cabin. On Wednesday, July 6, we spent the day with Mom and Amanda. We got to see Mom’s new house and the surrounding area. We also drove past … Continue reading