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Social Gathering

Father’s Day at the Ballard Locks

When I was trying to come up with something fun to do for Father’s Day, I saw some tweets about the fish ladders at the Ballard Locks. Nick and I had been wanting to visit the locks and this seemed like a great time to do it. The Ballard Locks connect Puget Sound with Lake … Continue reading »

Categories: Outing, Seattle, Social Gathering | 3 Comments

Chihuly Garden and Glass & Woodland Park Zoo

Chihuly Garden and Glass On Mother’s Day, a friend of Mom’s from Sweden was visiting, so we (Mom, Amanda, Nick, and I) showed her around downtown Seattle. Nick and I took the bus down and got there a little early, so we could pick up a few things at Pike Place Market. We met up … Continue reading »

Categories: Museum, Outing, Photography, Seattle, Social Gathering | Comments Off on Chihuly Garden and Glass & Woodland Park Zoo


Happy holidays! I hope everyone had a pleasant Thanksgiving. Nick and I had 13 people over at our place for Thanksgiving dinner. We weren’t sure if everyone would fit, but it actually wasn’t bad. Nick did a great job with the turkey and there was plenty of other yummy food to eat. We really had … Continue reading »

Categories: Daily Life, Jobs, Social Gathering | 3 Comments

Volunteer Park Conservatory

The last two days have been really nice, sunny days with temperatures in the 70’s. Today, however, Margaret and Donna got to experience a cool, wet Seattle day. Nick and I spent the morning taking a load of boxes over to the house and setting up some things there. It’s really starting to feel like home. … Continue reading »

Categories: Museum, Outing, Park, Restaurant, Seattle, Social Gathering, The Move, Townhouse | Comments Off on Volunteer Park Conservatory

We are Homeowners!!!

OMG, what an exciting day! We took Margaret, Donna, and Suki to the University of Washington this afternoon, so they could see where Nick works. Suki is a 14-year-old pug and she is having a hard time walking right now, so she was pushed around in a stroller (lots of people commented about how cute … Continue reading »

Categories: Outing, Restaurant, Seattle, Social Gathering, The Move | 1 Comment

Amanda’s Graduation

Nick and I have been so busy getting ready for the move that we forgot to post about Amanda’s graduation (sorry, Amanda)! On Sunday, Amanda graduated from Pacific Lutheran University with a BA in Religion and a minor in History. She graduated magna cum laude and was a Pinnacle Society member for leadership and service, … Continue reading »

Categories: Outing, Social Gathering | Comments Off on Amanda’s Graduation

The past couple weeks

This isn’t the promised post, but we just realized that we neglected to post about our outings over the past few weeks. Two weeks ago I participated in a Microsoft usability study. I got to spend the afternoon on Microsoft’s campus and be part of a focus group that provided feedback about an upcoming product. … Continue reading »

Categories: Games, Outing, Seattle, Social Gathering | Comments Off on The past couple weeks

Opening Day of Boating Season

Yesterday was the Opening Day of the boating season in Seattle and Uncle Peter invited us to join him on his boat for the festivities (thanks, Uncle Peter!). The weather wasn’t supposed to be that great (partly cloudy and temps in the low-50’s – compared to nearly 70 today!), but it was actually pretty nice, … Continue reading »

Categories: Outing, Photography, Seattle, Social Gathering | Comments Off on Opening Day of Boating Season

Dinner with Dad

Dad was up our neck of the woods yesterday to attend the first concert in Amanda’s last college choir tour. Over the next few days, she’ll be singing with Choir of the West throughout Washington and Oregon. We were going to meet Dad at a Thai restaurant in the U District, but it was closed. … Continue reading »

Categories: Outing, Restaurant, Seattle, Social Gathering | Comments Off on Dinner with Dad

Happy Easter

We hope you all had a nice Easter. Nick and I went up to Grandma and Grandpa’s cabin to celebrate with family. I have three young cousins, so it was fun to watch them scurry around finding eggs. We had ham for dinner, in spite of some of us insisting that Grandma’s Swedish meatballs are … Continue reading »

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