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The Woodland Park Zoo

Earlier this year Marie picked up 4 tickets to the zoo on Groupon for a steal. So, yesterday Marie and I went to the Woodland Park Zoo with Carrie and Amanda (Marie’s mom and sister). Oddly enough, we realized that this was the first time Marie and I have been to a zoo together. It … Continue reading »

Categories: Outing, Photography, Seattle | 1 Comment

Happy Easter

We hope you all had a nice Easter. Nick and I went up to Grandma and Grandpa’s cabin to celebrate with family. I have three young cousins, so it was fun to watch them scurry around finding eggs. We had ham for dinner, in spite of some of us insisting that Grandma’s Swedish meatballs are … Continue reading »

Categories: Outing, Photography, Social Gathering | Comments Off on Happy Easter

We Got a New Camera

Marie and I have been without a nice camera for a while and although our phones have been great for taking snapshots here and there, we’ve been wanting to get a nicer bit of hardware so we can really take some great shots. So we finally decided that we should get ourselves an entry level … Continue reading »

Categories: Outing, Park, Photography, Seattle | 1 Comment

Early Morning Seattle

Wow! This amazing picture of Seattle was taken by photographer Thatcher Kelley on Tuesday from a plane. You can view the original 1920 x1280 picture on Flickr.

Categories: Photography, Seattle | 3 Comments