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Author Archives: Marie

Discovery Park

With last weekend’s sunny 70 degree weather, Nick and I wanted to be sure to go out and enjoy it. We were planning on hiking either Twin Falls or Cedar Butte, but we heard I-90 was going to be down to one lane for construction… so we nixed that idea and went to Discovery Park instead. … Continue reading »

Categories: Hiking, Outing, Park, Photography, Seattle | Comments Off on Discovery Park

Goodbye, Bamboo and Chai!

Woodland Park Zoo’s Asian elephants, Bamboo (age 47) and Chai (age 35), left for their new home at the Oklahoma City Zoo yesterday evening. After the zoo’s African elephant, Watoto, died last year, WPZ decided to find a new home with a large, multi-generational herd for Bamboo and Chai. Here are some photos I’ve taken of the elephants at Woodland Park … Continue reading »

Categories: Photography, Seattle | 1 Comment

Heybrook Lookout

There are a lot of great hiking trails near my grandparents’ cabin and since we were going to be up there for Easter on Sunday, we figured we’d make a weekend out of it. On Saturday, we hiked Heybrook Lookout and then went to the cabin to relax and spend the night. Heybrook Lookout hike statistics*: Roundtrip: 2.6 miles … Continue reading »

Categories: Hiking, Outing, Park | 1 Comment

Caleb’s 16th Birthday

My cousin, Caleb, turns 16 today and we celebrated on Saturday with a picnic lunch, trip to the zoo, go kart racing, and pizza for dinner. Woodland Park Zoo Elephants are Caleb’s favorite animal, so he wanted to be sure to see the zoo’s elephants before they go to Oklahoma. The lion cubs are out daily … Continue reading »

Categories: Outing, Photography, Seattle, Social Gathering | 4 Comments

Living Computer Museum

Over the weekend, Nick and I went to check out the Living Computer Museum, a collection of computers assembled by Microsoft cofounder Paul Allen. The museum shows how computers have evolved over the years and what’s really cool is that most of the computers are up and running their original software and visitors can interact with them. … Continue reading »

Categories: Museum, Outing, Seattle | 1 Comment

Washington Park Arboretum

Over the weekend, Nick and I went to the Washington Park Arboretum. The arboretum is a 230 acre public park in Seattle that has flowers, plants, and trees from all over the world. We’ve been there many times, but we usually walk around the northern part of the park, following the boardwalk trail that looks out on Union Bay. Because … Continue reading »

Categories: Outing, Park, Photography | 1 Comment

Poo Poo Point

Our winter has continued to be unusually warm. Temperatures have been in the 50’s and even low 60’s some days, so it has been great hiking weather. Nick had the day off on Monday for Presidents’ Day, so we decided to tackle Poo Poo Point, our most difficult hike yet. Poo Poo Point hike statistics* (via High School … Continue reading »

Categories: Hiking, Outing, Park | 2 Comments

Woodland Park Zoo: Valentine’s Day Celebration

Woodland Park Zoo gave the animals special treats today to celebrate Valentine’s Day, so Nick and I went to take pictures. The lions were our first stop. Adia (mom) and Xerxes (dad) had three male lion cubs at the end of October and it was our first time seeing the baby lions. Xerxes hurt his paw earlier … Continue reading »

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Kurios: Cabinet of Curosities

Nick and I went to the new Cirque du Soleil show, Kurios: Cabinet of Curiosities, on Tuesday with Mom, Dad, and Amanda (thanks for the tickets, Amanda!). I had been to other Cirque shows before (Saltimbanco in 2000 and Alegría in 2003), but this was Nick’s first time experiencing Cirque du Soleil. They didn’t allow photography during the performance, so I apologize for … Continue reading »

Categories: Outing, Social Gathering | Comments Off on Kurios: Cabinet of Curosities

Cougar Mountain

It’s weird to keep hearing about the “dangerous and crippling Snowmageddon blizzard” headed to Northeastern US when it’s been sunny and in the 60’s here in Seattle. Wanting to take advantage of the ridiculously nice winter weather, Nick and I went for a hike on Cougar Mountain on Sunday. Our* Cougar Mountain hike statistics: Roundtrip: … Continue reading »

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