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Monthly Archives: August 2012

New Dining Furniture

We were asked the other day if we had gotten a dining table yet. Whoops, guess we forgot to blog about that! The dining table we got is perfect for our new home. It is a gateleg table that seats up to 6 people. We usually only keep it opened halfway, which is perfect for … Continue reading »

Categories: Home Improvement, Townhouse | Comments Off on New Dining Furniture

Enjoying our Backyard

Nick and I have been taking advantage of the warm weather and our new grill by grilling a few times per week. We tried out a new recipe from “Bite Me: A Stomach-Satisfying, Visually Gratifying, Fresh-Mouthed Cookbook”, which we got as a housewarming gift. The recipe is called Magical Moroccan Chicken and it consists of marinated and … Continue reading »

Categories: Cooking, Daily Life, Home Improvement, Townhouse | 1 Comment

Crumble & Flake

Mom and Amanda stopped by yesterday afternoon with some bakery treats from Crumble & Flake Patisserie in Capitol Hill. They were recently featured in Seattle Magazine and Mom and Amanda had been dying to try them out. They got three different filled-to-order cream puffs (blackberry, chocolate, and coconut), a fig and olive tapenade roll, and kouign amann (a salty, … Continue reading »

Categories: Daily Life, Restaurant, Seattle | 1 Comment

Temperature via Arduino

It’s hot in Seattle this weekend with highs in the 90’s. Because of Seattle’s mild climate, most homes here don’t have air conditioning. The weather is generally nice enough that you don’t need a/c or heat most of the year. On what is likely to be one of the hottest weekends of the year, Nick and I … Continue reading »

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