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Pike Place Market

On Saturday, Nick and I met Mom at Pike Place Market. It was the first time Mom had taken the light rail from her home into Seattle, so that was a fun experience for her. Nick and I picked up an assortment of fresh vegetables for dinner (stir fry). Nick also got himself some more … Continue reading »

Categories: Outing, Seattle, Social Gathering | 1 Comment


I’ve been taking the bus since mid July and this was the first time I’ve had to deal with rain. That’s almost 3 months of no rain before or after work, in Seattle. I was begining to think that the “rainy city” was a myth concocted by the folks who live here to keep everyone … Continue reading »

Categories: Jobs, Seattle | 2 Comments

Early Morning Seattle

Wow! This amazing picture of Seattle was taken by photographer Thatcher Kelley on Tuesday from a plane. You can view the original 1920 x1280 picture on Flickr.

Categories: Photography, Seattle | 3 Comments

Long-Awaited Update

Sorry we haven’t updated the blog in so long! We’re starting to settle into our new home. We love it here and most of our exploring lately has been just driving around through the neighborhoods of Seattle – nothing particularly picture or blog-worthy. The weather has been amazing lately! We’ve lost count of how many consecutive … Continue reading »

Categories: Cooking, Outing, Restaurant, Seattle, Social Gathering | 1 Comment

Alki Beach Park

Since we have so many blueberries, I decided that it was time to do something with them! What a brilliant idea, huh? 😛 I always make blueberry muffins with mix from a box, so yesterday was my first time making blueberry muffins from scratch. I used a recipe I found online for “To Die for … Continue reading »

Categories: Cooking, Outing, Park, Restaurant, Seattle, Social Gathering | 2 Comments

Blueberries & Horses

Nick and I were busy yesterday! We took some boxes up to the cabin for storage and when we got there, Uncle Eric was there to greet us. We learned that he had been up at the cabin to carry wood from the dock all the way up to the driveway… and he could use … Continue reading »

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Munchkin & Tandoori Chicken

A few days ago, Nick and I bought Munchkin, a role-playing card game that we’ve been wanting to try out. On Saturday, we went down to visit Amanda and brought Munchkin with us. We had fun wielding the Rapier of Unfairness while wearing the Horny Helmet. Together, we fought monsters like the Gelatinous Octahedron, Flying … Continue reading »

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Seahurst Park

Martha Sue, Jim, Mom, Nick, and I removed another post-it note when we visited Seahurst Park Friday evening. Mom and Amanda had visited Seahurst Park for the first time on Sunday and loved it, so Mom was excited to take us there. Because we went there in the evening, though, we weren’t able to see the Olympic … Continue reading »

Categories: Outing, Park, Restaurant, Seattle, Social Gathering | 1 Comment

Volunteer Park

For the last couple of days, Nick and I have been spending time with my great aunt and uncle, Martha Sue and Jim, who are visiting from Texas. On Wednesday, we spent the evening with them at Mom and Amanda’s. Yesterday, we (Martha Sue, Jim, Mom, Amanda, and I) started the day by going to Saint … Continue reading »

Categories: Outing, Park, Seattle, Social Gathering | 2 Comments

Magnuson Park

One of the awesome things about our new apartment is that we live right next to Seattle’s second largest park, Magnuson Park. It is located on a former Navy airfield and there are still old military buildings throughout the park. Seattleites even play tennis in the old hangar. Nick and I visited Magnuson Park for … Continue reading »

Categories: Cooking, Outing, Park, Seattle | 2 Comments