Christmas Ships
Since 1949, the Christmas Ship Festival has been a Seattle tradition. The Argosy Christmas Ship sails to parks and communities throughout Lake Washington, Lake Union, and Elliott Bay and performs for the people on shore. Seattleites also deck their boats out in Christmas lights and decorations and follow the cruise ship around. Last year, Uncle … Continue reading
First Snow at Our House
The news is reporting that “for the first time in nearly two years, snow accumulated in the greater Seattle area.” I blogged about that snow back in January 2012 when we were still in the apartment. Today marks the first time we’ve had snow at our house, though! 🙂 The news has been going crazy … Continue reading
Winter is Coming
The arctic cold front has arrived… and it brought hail! I took this photo of the hail in our backyard just a few minutes ago. We’re going to have temperatures in the 30’s for at least the next week. Brr! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We went up to my grandparents’ cabin and … Continue reading
Veterans Day
I hope you all enjoyed your Veterans Day holiday yesterday! Nick had the day off, so we had planned on going to The Museum of Flight with Dad and Amanda. It’s the largest private air and space museum in the world and it’s located right next to Boeing Field. The problem was that the museum’s … Continue reading
Today’s Crazy Wind Storm
Western Washington was hit by a particularly nasty wind storm today. Wind gusts reached up to 65 mph, knocking over trees and wreaking havoc. One of our floating bridges was even closed because of the wind and waves. It’s estimated that the storm left about 200,000 homes and businesses without power today. As of right … Continue reading
UW Husky Football Game
Nick and I went to last night’s UW football game with Grandma and Uncle Eric. They played against California and won 41-17. Go Huskies! Eric sported his usual WSU jersey and the opposing team’s hat. (There is a big UW vs. WSU rivalry, like the U of M vs. MSU rivalry in Michigan. Eric went … Continue reading
EMP Museum
Today, Nick and I went to the EMP (Experience Music Project) Museum. The EMP is a funny-looking building in Seattle Center whose design was inspired by smashed electric guitars. It is home to pop culture exhibits from music to science fiction to fantasy as well as the Sky Church, a performance space with one of the largest … Continue reading
Friends of SPL Book Sale
The first day of fall was yesterday and Seattle weather sure seemed to know about it. We went from sunny and 70’s to rainy and 50’s-60’s as soon as the season changed. Nick and I went to Magnuson Park yesterday for a couple reasons: we wanted to go for a walk and Friends of The … Continue reading
Lake City Farmers Market
Happy 4th of July, everyone! Nick and I are at the Lake City Farmers Market picking up some fruit and things for dinner.
Father’s Day at the Ballard Locks
When I was trying to come up with something fun to do for Father’s Day, I saw some tweets about the fish ladders at the Ballard Locks. Nick and I had been wanting to visit the locks and this seemed like a great time to do it. The Ballard Locks connect Puget Sound with Lake … Continue reading