Author Archives: Marie
Bus to Downtown
I am going to Casual Connect (a conference about the casual game industry) in a week and a half for work. The conference is held in downtown Seattle, so it’s nice that there isn’t any travel involved other than a bus ride. It turns out that there’s an express bus that goes from our place … Continue reading
Living Room & Bedroom Redecoration
Our rug arrived yesterday! Hooray! We weren’t expecting it for a few weeks, so we were delighted when we got a phone call saying that it came in early. I fell in love with the rug when we first saw it 2 months ago and although we’ve done a lot of rug shopping, we never … Continue reading
Settling In
It’s been almost 2 weeks since we moved in to our new house and it totally feels like home. 🙂 We still have some boxes to unpack and decorations to put up, though, which is probably why we haven’t uploaded many pictures of our place yet. Expect some soon, though! In the meantime, enjoy the … Continue reading
Exploring the Neighborhood
Hello! Sorry for the lack of posts the last few days; Nick and I have been busy unpacking, nesting, and exploring. 🙂 Grandma came down to have lunch with me on Wednesday. Grandpa repaired a drawer for us that needed some minor fixing (thanks, Grandpa!) and Grandma brought it down with her. There is a burger restaurant … Continue reading
Seattle Apartment – Before & After
Yesterday’s move from the apartment to the townhouse went well. Thankfully, the weather cooperated and there wasn’t any rain. We had two pickup trucks to haul our furniture and each truck took two trips, so we were done pretty quickly. The only casualty was a spare glass Pyrex measuring cup… and we had a few … Continue reading
We Have TV… and PBS!
Nick just finished hooking up the TV and components… and we’re very, very happy to report that we have PBS again! We don’t watch a ton of TV, so we just have an inexpensive indoor TV antenna that we use to pick up basic channels. PBS was the main channel we watched back in Michigan, … Continue reading
Bye Bye, Apartment!
Just turned in our keys! We went over there this morning to pick up a few final things and do some last minute cleaning. We’re going to set up internet at our house today, so expect a longer blog post later.
Last Minute Packing
Our computers and computer desks are over at the house, so we are dependant on our phones for Internet access for now. We just finished packing our TV and our apartment is looking pretty bare. We found a box of graham crackers and a jar of applesauce, so at least we won’t starve lol!
Last Night at the Apartment
Nick and I have been spending today moving things over to our new house. I think we’ve done five trips so far, but Nick thinks it might be six. We’re pretty exhausted now and we’re taking a break to have Pagliacci Pizza for dinner. We were lucky this morning, because it wasn’t raining. After our … Continue reading
Volunteer Park Conservatory
The last two days have been really nice, sunny days with temperatures in the 70’s. Today, however, Margaret and Donna got to experience a cool, wet Seattle day. Nick and I spent the morning taking a load of boxes over to the house and setting up some things there. It’s really starting to feel like home. … Continue reading