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Monthly Archives: July 2015

Seattle’s Heat Wave

For the last several weeks, the weather here in Seattle has been stupid hot. Temperatures have been in the upper 80’s and low 90’s almost every day, which is pretty awful in a city where very few people have A/C in their homes. We’ve been breaking all sorts of temperature records. Seattleites typically joke that summer … Continue reading »

Categories: Daily Life, Seattle | Comments Off on Seattle’s Heat Wave

June Trip to Michigan

I’m a little overdue for this post about our trip to Michigan a few weeks ago, whoops! While we mostly spent time visiting family, we did a few new things, too. Detroit Zoo Despite living in Michigan for the better part of a decade, I’d never been to the Detroit Zoo. Nick and Margaret hadn’t been there … Continue reading »

Categories: Michigan, Museum, Outing, Photography | 5 Comments