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Monthly Archives: February 2015

Poo Poo Point

Our winter has continued to be unusually warm. Temperatures have been in the 50’s and even low 60’s some days, so it has been great hiking weather. Nick had the day off on Monday for Presidents’ Day, so we decided to tackle Poo Poo Point, our most difficult hike yet. Poo Poo Point hike statistics* (via High School … Continue reading »

Categories: Hiking, Outing, Park | 2 Comments

Woodland Park Zoo: Valentine’s Day Celebration

Woodland Park Zoo gave the animals special treats today to celebrate Valentine’s Day, so Nick and I went to take pictures. The lions were our first stop. Adia (mom) and Xerxes (dad) had three male lion cubs at the end of October and it was our first time seeing the baby lions. Xerxes hurt his paw earlier … Continue reading »

Categories: Outing, Photography, Seattle | Comments Off on Woodland Park Zoo: Valentine’s Day Celebration

Kurios: Cabinet of Curosities

Nick and I went to the new Cirque du Soleil show, Kurios: Cabinet of Curiosities, on Tuesday with Mom, Dad, and Amanda (thanks for the tickets, Amanda!). I had been to other Cirque shows before (Saltimbanco in 2000 and Alegría in 2003), but this was Nick’s first time experiencing Cirque du Soleil. They didn’t allow photography during the performance, so I apologize for … Continue reading »

Categories: Outing, Social Gathering | Comments Off on Kurios: Cabinet of Curosities