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Monthly Archives: August 2014

Eastern Washington Trip

Nick, Amanda, Dad, and I went to Eastern Washington over the weekend to visit with family. On Friday, we went to the Benton Franklin Fair & Rodeo, where the highlights included ridiculously fluffy chickens, petting an adorable baby dwarf goat, monkeys dressed up like cowboys riding dogs, barrel racing, bull riding, and women in fancy … Continue reading »

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Strawberries & Pickles

The best thing about having your own garden is eating the food you grow. This year, we tried strawberries for the first time and we grew pickling cucumbers again. Strawberries We got our strawberry plant on a whim in April. We had read that it was best to pinch off the flowers for the first season to … Continue reading »

Categories: Gardening | 1 Comment

Tuft & Needle Mattress Review

Nick and I had been talking about getting a new mattress for years. The one we’d been using was 12 years old and had known 5 different homes on both sides of the country. Getting a new mattress was daunting, though. What kind do we get: spring, memory foam, latex? How do we get a … Continue reading »

Categories: Home Improvement, Townhouse | 6 Comments

SalmonFest Seattle

Lake City (our Seattle neighborhood) celebrated the 74th anniversary of its SalmonFest festival last weekend. SalmonFest has salmon bakes, a vintage car show, a street fair, a parade, etc. This was our first year going to the festival (last year, we were out of town… not sure about the year before). We had spent the afternoon with … Continue reading »

Categories: Outing, Photography, Seattle, Social Gathering | Comments Off on SalmonFest Seattle