Crunchy Tortilla Chicken with Avocado Dip

Marie and I recently became the owners of two new cookbooks thanks to the communications team at the Information School and their generous and unexpected house warming present! Today we decided to try out one of the recipes from the “Bite Me: A Stomach-Satisfying, Visually Gratifying, Fresh-Mouthed Cookbook“. This cookbook is pretty awesome. It has some great photographs in it and it’s a ton of fun. The other cookbook is a less goofy and a bit more zen. It’s called “Simply Organic: A Cookbook for Sustainable, Seasonal, and Local Ingredients“. The recipes in this one are broken down by season and there’s a harvest pot roast on page 148 that almost makes me want the colder fall weather to get here (even though it’s only been in the 60s for the past few weeks).

The recipe we decided to try out first is called Crunch Tortilla Chicken with Avocado Dip. It was delicious and has earned a spot on our cook frequently list. It does take a bit of prep since the chicken has to marinade for 2 hours, but other than that it’s an easy recipe and we keep most of the ingredients for it in the house. A jalapeno pepper and avocado are the only ingredients we’d need to go out of our way to pick up.

The only thing I would change is to prepare some Spanish rice or something a little more exciting than corn with it next time. We also had avocado dip left over, so we’re going to try it on tacos tomorrow. If that works out we’ll probably plan tacos for a day or two after this meal in the future, otherwise we’ll cut the dip portion in half.

A special thanks to Daisy, Lisa, and Lori for the awesome house warming present!

Categories: Cooking, Townhouse | 1 Comment

One Response to Crunchy Tortilla Chicken with Avocado Dip

  1. Carrie says:

    Looks great! Avocado Dip is sounding good right now! 🙂