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Monthly Archives: January 2012

Husky Stadium

Husky Stadium (UW‘s football stadium, which is “annually voted the most scenic football structure in the nation” due to its views of Lake Washington, Mt. Rainier, the Cascade and Olympic mountain ranges, and downtown Seattle) just started undergoing a significant makeover. Earlier this month, I snapped a picture of the stadium with only about 25% … Continue reading »

Categories: Seattle | 1 Comment

Snow on the Ground

It is actually snowing legitimate snow now. 😛 It’s big, white, fluffy stuff – not the wet, drippy snow we had yesterday.

Categories: Seattle | 2 Comments


OMG, shut down everything! There is SNOW on the ground in Seattle! 😮 Seattleites don’t have a lot of experience with snow, so everybody takes it very seriously when there is snow in the forecast. For the last week and half, they have been talking about this weekend’s possible snow showers. They even extended the … Continue reading »

Categories: Seattle | 1 Comment

Last Night’s Sunset

The sunset last night was amazing. Nick took the picture above when he was leaving work, but it doesn’t quite do the sunset justice. Check out KOMO’s photo gallery for more stunning sunset pictures.

Categories: Seattle | 1 Comment

My Hometown is Better Than Yours

This is a funny article someone wrote about Seattle: My Hometown is Better Than Yours Let’s see… what have Nick and I been up to? We visited Aunt Jeannie and Uncle Gene a little over a week ago. It had been far too long since I had seen them, so it was really nice to … Continue reading »

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