The Honest Store

Honest StoreSo, I was hungry at lunch time and decided to take a walk to Jimmy John’s to grab a #4; well on my way to JJ’s I came across this spontaneous “store” that just showed up in Red Square sometime today. It’s The Honest Store and it sells Honest Tea. It turns out for $1 you can purchase a bottle of Honest Tea. The catch was that the payment was on the honor system. The picture doesn’t show it well, but you can sort of see the clear container on the right with a collection of bills in it. It looked to me like there was a fair amount of cash in the container, so I think most people at UW were putting in their dollar.

The Honest Store has a website,,  that shows you where honest stores have been and how honest the customers were in each of those places. It’s a pretty neat concept, and judging by the stats on the site, most people are honest, which I think is a great sign.

Categories: Seattle | 3 Comments

3 Responses to The Honest Store

  1. Carrie Davis says:

    That’s pretty cool! 🙂 I like Honest Tea…and didn’t know that they did that. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Margaret says:

    Nice! … and I mean both… the honor system, AND that you posted something! 🙂

    • Nick says:

      Ya, we’ve been busy doing stuff, and I’ve been busy at work. By the time I get home, I don’t really feel like sitting at the computer much (we don’t have a computer game we’re playing right now…).