An evening on Capitol Hill

Last night we met with Marie’s mom and sister (Carrie and Amanda), her great aunt and uncle (Marian and Karl) and their daughter and her son (Sally and Sam). While on Capitol Hill we stumbled upon some folks playing Bicycle Polo on a tennis court at Cal Anderson Park (picture above). It’s pretty crazy to watch them navigate around the court trying to whack a ball with a polo mallet while not running into each other. Their handling on the bikes is impressive.

Parking on Capitol Hill

A Smart Car sized parking spot

Parking on Capitol Hill is never easy, even on a Thursday night! We were really lucky though and found this Smart Car sized parking spot that no one else dared to try to fit in. Normally when I “parallel park” I can just pull into the spot head first. This time, though, I actually had to parallel park. It felt like more of a tight fit than the picture makes it look; I think I’m just spoiled. After we found (free) parking, we met up with everyone else at the Elliot Bay Book Company on Capitol Hill. After exploring the awesomeness that is the Elliot Bay Book Company we all went wandering in search of a meal.

Fried Fish

From Pike Street Fish Fry

With a little bit of luck we found ourselves in front of the Pike Street Fish Fry. The place is a tiny hole in the wall (almost quite literally) but the food was awesome. Unfortunately we didn’t think to take a picture this time, so the photo is (CC) courtesy of wordridden on Flickr. It’s not exactly what we ate, but it looks the same. The 8 of us crammed ourselves on to a bench and chowed down on the fried awesomeness that was presented to us. It turns out this place is pretty famous and we were quite fortunate to stumble upon it. Quick service, awesome staff, small and delicious; what more could you ask for?

After the Fish Fry we headed up to Cal Anderson Park. Sam, being a fourth grader, really enjoyed himself at the park. He, Amanda, Marie and I had a race to the fountain, and even though Sam lost one of his shoes before the finish line he still beat us. Come to think of it, maybe that was his strategy, since I stopped to grab his shoe for him. Hmm, sneaky kid! Cal Anderson Park is a really nice park. There’s playground equipment with a soft squishy sort of ground below it. It’s so much more high tech than the playgrounds I remember as a kid. The park’s fountain is pretty awesome too (picture below). So we had a really great Thursday night!

Categories: Outing, Restaurant, Seattle, Social Gathering | 1 Comment

One Response to An evening on Capitol Hill

  1. Check out those same Cal Anderson Park tennis courts for drop-in games of dodge ball! It’s the latest craze.