Day one at the lake


We finally made it! We’re at Lake Roseiger stay at Marie’s grandparent’s cabin at the lake. We’re totally roughing it until this weekend then we’ll be staying with Uncle Eric until our apartment is ready on the 14th. I say roughing it because the only connection to the web world we have is roaming data on our phones. It’s so slow 🙁 other than that we’re not really roughing it exactly. :-p

The weather is awesome; blue skies, mid 70s, quiet and comfortable. The picture aabove is off the back balcony. We met Marie’s aunt Brooke and her three kids, Caleb, Stephanie and Keegan, when we first arrived. They hung out for a bit before taking off and we all has a bunch of fun.

Right now it’s really dark out and the only noise we can hear are some critters outside. Tomorrow we’re headed over to Carrie’s (Marie’s mom) new house in Seatac to hang out. Then later we’re going to meet up with Larry (her dad) to hang out some more.

When we get back to the cabin we face some laundry and 2 cars begging to be washed. But for now we’re off to bed. We’ll be posting more pics and stuff soon.

Categories: Seattle | 2 Comments

2 Responses to Day one at the lake

  1. Amanda says:

    The Starbucks has free wifi, if you’re feeling desperate. 🙂

  2. Mike says:

    So glad you had a safe trip .. keep the pics coming … what a wonderful view , I can appreciate it because I was there :o)