Lunar Eclipse

Lunar Eclipse

For the lunar eclipse last Sunday, Nick and I went to Magnuson Park to watch and take photos. A bunch of other people had the same idea; we couldn’t believe how busy it was!

We got there at sunset, about an hour before the peak of the eclipse. The sky was pink and Mount Rainier looked gorgeous, so I snapped a few shots.

Mt. Rainier at SunsetMt. Rainier at Sunset

We stayed for a couple hours, drinking hot chocolate, watching the night sky, and taking photos. It was a nice end to the weekend. 🙂 Unfortunately, the moon was pretty dim during the eclipse, so my photos came out grainier and blurrier than I thought they would. I got a neat photo of the moon as it was coming out of the eclipse, at least!

Categories: Daily Life, Park, Photography, Seattle | 4 Comments

4 Responses to Lunar Eclipse

  1. Mike says:

    Very nice pics Marie

  2. Carrie says:

    Sounds like a nice evening. Good photos! 🙂

  3. Margaret says:

    Wow, very nice! Sounds like a perfect night, and you did get some good shots! I don’t think I’ve ever seen the sky THAT pink… what a beautiful world we live in!!

  4. Donna says:

    Absolutely beautiful -thanks for sharing
    Donna and Abby