Living Computer Museum

Over the weekend, Nick and I went to check out the Living Computer Museum, a collection of computers assembled by Microsoft cofounder Paul Allen. The museum shows how computers have evolved over the years and what’s really cool is that most of the computers are up and running their original software and visitors can interact with them.

Nick with IBM 360

Nick in front of an IBM 360

Microsoft partnership agreement

Microsoft partnership agreement

Original Macintosh

Original Macintosh; I used to use these in school

Apple IIe

Playing Oregon Trail on an Apple IIe

We saw a couple write their names on punch cards on a really old computer. Nick had fun writing simple computer programs on an old IBM. I played Oregon Trail on an Apple IIe and Microsoft Bob on an old PC.

After the museum, we went to a little park on Beacon Hill. I took a few photos, but they didn’t turn out that great. I’ll just have to try again sometime! 🙂 Here are the two best ones:

Seattle from Beacon Hill

Elliott Bay from Beacon Hill

Categories: Museum, Outing, Seattle | 1 Comment

One Response to Living Computer Museum

  1. Margaret says:

    I bet you two had a blast there! When you guys visit, we’ll have to play the old ATARI 😛