Woodland Park Zoo: Valentine’s Day Celebration

Happy Valentine's Day!

Woodland Park Zoo gave the animals special treats today to celebrate Valentine’s Day, so Nick and I went to take pictures.


The lions got frozen heart-shaped blood ice pops

The lions were our first stop. Adia (mom) and Xerxes (dad) had three male lion cubs at the end of October and it was our first time seeing the baby lions. Xerxes hurt his paw earlier in the week, though, so only mom and kids showed up for treats.

The zookeepers made frozen heart-shaped blood ice pops (yum!) for the lions, but the crows got to them first. The crows picked away at the hearts and knocked them over until the lions showed up and scared them away.

The lion cubs were terribly cute and playful. One even came right up to the glass to say hello. 🙂

Lion cub


Orangutan opening a present

We went to see the orangutans next. They definitely won for best-decorated exhibit. Paper hearts, signs, presents, and snacks all over the place. The photo at the top of this post shows part of the orangutan exhibit.

I didn’t get any great photos of the orangutans, but the photo on the right shows one of the orangutans opening a present with a slice of tasty watermelon inside.

After the orangutans, we had a little time to kill, so we went to see the river otters (Nick took pictures of the otters) and a presentation about raptors.

River otters

River otters

Peregrine falcon

Peregrine falcon

Next, we saw the anoa (Priscilla) get her Valentine’s Day treats. An anoa is like a miniature water buffalo.

The zookeeper told us that Priscilla’s partner died a few years ago, so they made a special paper mache anoa so she would have a valentine. Aww. Priscilla got a heart-shaped wreath and some fennel to snack on.


Anoa and paper mache anoa


Anoa and heart-shaped wreath

The wolves were our next stop. They got heart-shaped steaks. I took a photo of one of the wolves looking particularly happy about his steak. 🙂


By then, the zoo was really busy, so we decided to head home after seeing the grizzly bears. There are three different spots to view the bear exhibit, so I picked one and got a great spot while we waited for the bears to come out. But they decided to do the bear treats in a different part of the zoo and we missed it. Zut! I got a quick glimpse of one of the grizzlies eating a frozen treat, but no pictures to share.

To see more photos we took, click the link to our Flickr album below!

Flickr photo set: Woodland Park Zoo

Happy Valentine’s Day! <3

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