Happy 2015!

I was going to post about our hiking trip this weekend when I realized it’s been a while since I updated the blog – whoops! So here’s a quick update before I post about the hike.


It’s hard to believe it’s been a month since Christmas when we still have our Christmas decorations up. Nick told me not to take them down until February lol. They make our home so happy and festive. 😛

Christmas Ships - DayChristmas Ships - Night

Christmas treeUncle Peter took us out on his boat for the Christmas Ships Festival, where a choir on the Argosy Christmas Ship sings Christmas carols in Lake Washington. Thankfully, the weather cooperated this year!

We spent Christmas with family at my grandparents’ cabin. Uncle Peter got remote-controlled helicopters for himself and Uncle Eric and it was fun watching them play. Another highlight was that my cousin, Keegan, got a drum set. Aunt Brooke (his mom) was thrilled about it. 😛


Seattle has been going nuts about the Seahawks going to the Super Bowl again. Did you guys see their last game against the Packers? It was intense and I still can’t believe the Seahawks won. Lots of cheering and fireworks outside after that game. Neither of us are really football fans, but even we had to admit we enjoyed watching it.

Around the House

It’s not terribly exciting, but Nick and I framed and hung some of the photos we’ve taken in our stairway. In the picture below, the collage frame on the left has some of the zoo pictures we’ve taken. The photos on the wall on the right are our favorite photos from our Wallace Falls hike.

Stairway PicturesWallace the Dracaena

Inspired by Saturday’s episode of Gardening with Ciscoe (a gardening advice show with a goofy local gardener), Nick and I went to Molbak’s to get ourselves our first indoor plant. We were planning on getting a Chinese Evergreen, but we went with a Dracaena instead when we saw the price tag ($50 for a little plant? Sheesh!). 😛 So say hello to Wallace the Dracaena (pictured above)!

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