Painting the Kitchen

This long-overdue post is about Nick’s and my painting project that started back in September, while Nick’s mom was in town. Neither of us had much painting experience and she (generously!) offered to teach us the ropes.

We painted the entry, stairway, living room, mantle, and kitchen. We liked the greyish color the previous owners had chosen, but we still wanted to give it a fresh coat of paint, so we picked an almost identical color. The mantle was light grey, which we changed to white. We also painted the recessed area above it. All of that’s not super noticeable, though. The biggest change is that the kitchen went from cream to green, which we love.

Living Room & Kitchen - Before

Living Room & Kitchen – Before

Living Room & Kitchen - After

Living Room & Kitchen – After

We also finally got around to doing something with the recess above the fireplace. It’s a really stupid spot to have a TV, so it’s just been collecting stuff. Until now! We found out that our TV stand cabinet fits in there PERFECTLY, so we got another one and we’re using it for extra board game storage. We’re going to get something to hide the cables.

Mantle & Recess - Before

Mantle & Recess – Before

Mantle & Recess - After

Mantle & Recess – After

And here’s another view of the kitchen:

Kitchen - Before

Kitchen – Before

Kitchen - After

Kitchen – After

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