Museum of Flight

Dad with his MSBL tournament champion trophy

Dad with his MSBL tournament champion trophy

Here’s a quick update on what’s been going on. Neither of us have been feeling well and Nick stayed home sick for most of the week. There was a shooting at my cousin’s school, but thankfully he’s okay. Yesterday, there was a big windstorm in Western Washington with 50 mph winds. Nick and I lost power, but it only lasted an hour and I was prepared with plenty of candles. And in good news, my dad has been down in Arizona playing baseball and his team just won the 2014 MSBL World Series. Good job, Dad!

Last weekend, Nick and I went to the Museum of Flight. Located at Boeing Field, it is the largest private air and space museum in the world. The museum includes the 1909 wooden Red Barn that was Boeing’s original manufacturing plant.

In addition to the exhibits and hundreds of rare planes, you can also board Air Force One, the retired Concorde supersonic airliner, and the first 747 ever built. The space exhibits were my favorite parts of the museum. I really liked going in the ISS Discovery module mock-up and the NASA Shuttle fuselage trainer, as well as seeing a Soyuz descent module. I knew the Soyuz descent modules were tiny (just barely big enough to cram 3 astronauts/cosmonauts  inside), but seeing it in person was really neat. Nick’s favorite things were going in the Concorde and the gutted 747 (it really shows you how big the jumbo jet is when the inside is empty) and seeing the Soyuz descent module.

I took some photos while we were at the Museum of Flight, which are below. Some of them are kinda crappy because of weird lighting and no flash. Sorry about that.

Great Gallery

Great Gallery

Wright flyer reproduction (1903)

Wright flyer reproduction (1903)

SK-1 Vostok Space Suit (1960)

SK-1 Vostok Space Suit (1960)

NASA Shuttle trainer

NASA Shuttle trainer

Williams X-Jet (1974)

Williams X-Jet (1974)

Nick inside Air Force One (1958)

Nick inside Air Force One (1958)

Soyuz descent module (2009)

Soyuz descent module (2009)

Caproni Ca.20 (1914), the world's first fighter plane

Caproni Ca.20 (1914), the world’s first fighter plane

Aviatik (Berg) D.I (1918)

Aviatik (Berg) D.I (1918)

Red Barn, Boeing’s original manufacturing plant

Red Barn, Boeing’s original manufacturing plant

Inside the first Boeing 747 ever built

Inside the first Boeing 747 ever built

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