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Monthly Archives: September 2014

Wallace Falls

Two weeks ago, while Nick’s mom was visiting us, we drove up to the tiny town of Gold Bar and hiked Wallace Falls. Wallace Falls features a 265-foot waterfall along with several smaller falls. Wallace Falls Statistics: Roundtrip: 5.6 miles Elevation Gain: 1300 ft Highest Point: 1570 ft One really neat thing about Wallace Falls is that you … Continue reading »

Categories: Hiking, Outing, Photography | Comments Off on Wallace Falls

A Post About Moms

Marie’s Mom A couple months ago, Mom found out she had a gigantic cyst on her liver. Although the cyst was benign, its massive size was causing problems for Mom, so she had surgery at the beginning of the month to remove it. The surgery went well (although the tumor had wreaked more havoc than anticipated, making the surgery … Continue reading »

Categories: Daily Life, Outing, Seattle, Social Gathering | 2 Comments