SalmonFest Seattle

Lake City (our Seattle neighborhood) celebrated the 74th anniversary of its SalmonFest festival last weekend. SalmonFest has salmon bakes, a vintage car show, a street fair, a parade, etc. This was our first year going to the festival (last year, we were out of town… not sure about the year before).

We had spent the afternoon with Dad, so we asked him if he wanted to join us for the parade. The sidewalks were already filled with people up and down both sides and in the median of Lake City Way by the time we got there. We couldn’t believe how many people there were! We found a good spot on the shady side of the street and the people in front of us kindly offered to share their extra folding chairs with us.

Nick and Marie at SalmonFest

Nick & me at Lake City’s SalmonFest Pioneer Days Parade

We all had a good time watching the parade. It started off a little slow, mostly with people riding in vehicles, but it got better when the drill teams, floats, bands, clowns, robotics teams,  horses, and pirates showed up.

I brought my camera with, so you can see more pictures from the parade below:

Western VigilantesSalmon peopleHorseToe truckPirateDrill teamPirate ship

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