We Have Peas!

Snow Peas

Snow pea plant

Snow pea plant

We got a dwarf snow pea starter two months ago on a whim. It grew quickly and we realized the pea plant needed support. We initially gave it some bamboo sticks to grab on to, but it outgrew those, so we got it a plant cage, which it liked much better.

It started flowering at the end of May and we had our first fully grown peas last weekend. I gathered the peas on Monday and we made a veggie stir fry.

The snow pea plant was super easy to grow and I’m sure we’ll do it again next year.

The peas aren’t the only exciting thing going on in our garden right now. Our raspberries just started turning red. Two of them were ripe enough to eat today, so I ate those this afternoon, hehe. We’re going to have a lot of berries this year. 😀 The bean plant just started making little red buds, so I’ll probably get to blog about those soon. Oh! And we have baby birds in our birdhouse! I heard the chicks chirping and noticed the mama bird making trips to and from the birdhouse when I was in the garden last week. I haven’t seen the baby birds yet, but it’s fun to know they’ve made a home in our backyard.

Ravenna Park

Ravenna Park

Ravenna Park

I’ve been wanting to check out Ravenna Park for a while and Nick and I finally got around to it. Ravenna Park is a 50 acre wooded ravine north of the University District, about 10-15 minutes from home. It also has play areas and tennis courts and whatnot, but Nick and I stuck to the trails. There are 4.5 miles of trails in Ravenna Park. Nick and I walked a loop around the park, which was a little over 1.5 miles. It’s pretty cool to be able to walk around in a forest in a big city like Seattle.

Ravenna Park

Ravenna Park

Categories: Gardening, Park | 2 Comments

2 Responses to We Have Peas!

  1. Margaret says:

    Awww… see if you can get video of the little baby chirpers!

  2. Carrie says:

    Lots of fun things happening in your backyard. Looking forward to photos of the babies! 🙂