First Snow at Our House

The news is reporting that “for the first time in nearly two years, snow accumulated in the greater Seattle area.” I blogged about that snow back in January 2012 when we were still in the apartment. Today marks the first time we’ve had snow at our house, though! 🙂

Snow in our backyard

The news has been going crazy over today’s snow for the last week or so, claiming that we would probably see 2-4″ in Seattle. We didn’t get that much, but any snow is enough to make schools and businesses close and a lot of people (Nick included) just stay home.

The snow will probably be gone by late morning and we’ll get up to a high of 44° later today.

Categories: Daily Life, Seattle, Townhouse | 2 Comments

2 Responses to First Snow at Our House

  1. Michael Plettl says:

    How cool is that …. almost had a white Christmas….

  2. Margaret says:

    Awwww! So nice that you captured this lovely Christmassy scene, especially since it’s such a rare occurrence out there! Beautiful! Doesn’t it make you want to go put some shiny red ornaments on some of those plants?! Ho Ho Ho!