Today’s Crazy Wind Storm

Western Washington was hit by a particularly nasty wind storm today. Wind gusts reached up to 65 mph, knocking over trees and wreaking havoc. One of our floating bridges was even closed because of the wind and waves.

It’s estimated that the storm left about 200,000 homes and businesses without power today. As of right now, Seattle City Light is reporting about 20,000 without power and Puget Sound Energy is reporting about 80,000 without power.

Nick and I only had a few flickers and never lost power today (thank goodness!). Just a block away, though, they’re still without power, and there was some sort of downed line just up the street from us, so they blocked part of the street.

So, for those wondering, Nick and I are safe and well and very happy to not be in the dark right now. 🙂

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