Grocery Shopping Adventure

I spent Monday with Mom and Amanda because I had an eye doctor appointment in their neck of the woods. They live in one of the most ethnically diverse zip codes in the country, so there are lots of interesting people and places in the area. They were excited to show me their closest grocery store, which had just reopened.

The grocery store had a vast assortment of ethnic food and supplies in addition to what you’d normally expect in a grocery store. I took photos of some of the more interesting things we found:

Dried limes

Dried limes

5 lbs. of pickled pig skins

5 lbs. of pickled pig skins

Mutant coconut balls

Mutant coconut balls

Beef bile and assorted animal blood

Beef bile and assorted animal blood

I think the beef bile was my favorite food discovery — definitely not something I was expecting to find. It’s not too late to incorporate it into a Thanksgiving dish, right? 😉

Categories: Outing, Social Gathering | 4 Comments

4 Responses to Grocery Shopping Adventure

  1. Margaret says:


  2. Donna says:

    Hi Marie and Nick,
    I will ditto Margaret’s WOW; how exciting and interesting.
    Wishing you both a very Happy Thanksgiving – I just
    don’t know how you’ll incorporate that into a dish:)
    Donna, Abby & Suki

  3. Carrie Davis says:

    It is actually the MOST diverse zip code in the US with more than 66 languages spoken at the high school just two blocks from our grocery store. It’s a fascinating place to live. We love it! 🙂 Can’t wait to find out what you’re going to make with that Beef Bile, Marie! 😉

    • Marie says:

      I looked it up and it’s actually not the most diverse zip code, though I’m sure it’s up there. Nearby Rainier Valley was named the most diverse based on 2010 census data.