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Monthly Archives: November 2013

Grocery Shopping Adventure

I spent Monday with Mom and Amanda because I had an eye doctor appointment in their neck of the woods. They live in one of the most ethnically diverse zip codes in the country, so there are lots of interesting people and places in the area. They were excited to show me their closest grocery … Continue reading »

Categories: Outing, Social Gathering | 4 Comments

Veterans Day

I hope you all enjoyed your Veterans Day holiday yesterday! Nick had the day off, so we had planned on going to The Museum of Flight with Dad and Amanda. It’s the largest private air and space museum in the world and it’s located right next to Boeing Field. The problem was that the museum’s … Continue reading »

Categories: Daily Life, Park, Seattle, Social Gathering | Comments Off on Veterans Day

Today’s Crazy Wind Storm

Western Washington was hit by a particularly nasty wind storm today. Wind gusts reached up to 65 mph, knocking over trees and wreaking havoc. One of our floating bridges was even closed because of the wind and waves. It’s estimated that the storm left about 200,000 homes and businesses without power today. As of right … Continue reading »

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