UW Husky Football Game

Nick and I went to last night’s UW football game with Grandma and Uncle Eric. They played against California and won 41-17. Go Huskies!

UW Football

Eric sported his usual WSU jersey and the opposing team’s hat. (There is a big UW vs. WSU rivalry, like the U of M vs. MSU rivalry in Michigan. Eric went to WSU, so he likes to cheer against the Huskies. :P)

It was an 8pm game (unusually late), so it was already dark when we got there. It wasn’t rainy or windy, at least! Since the game was so late, Metro buses weren’t really an option. Fortunately, there are special park and ride buses just for the Husky games. One of the locations was only about a 5 minute drive away, so that was an easy way of getting to and from the game.

Artist's Rendering of Husky Stadium

This was Nick’s and my first time at Husky Stadium, which was recently rebuilt. The renovation started in 2011 and the stadium reopened on August 31 for the first game of the 2013 season. Last year, I posted pictures prior to and during the renovation. I wasn’t able to get a good picture of the stadium yesterday, so the picture above is an artist’s rendering of the completed stadium.

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