Monthly Archives: October 2013
UW Husky Football Game
Nick and I went to last night’s UW football game with Grandma and Uncle Eric. They played against California and won 41-17. Go Huskies! Eric sported his usual WSU jersey and the opposing team’s hat. (There is a big UW vs. WSU rivalry, like the U of M vs. MSU rivalry in Michigan. Eric went … Continue reading
Categories: Outing, Seattle, Social Gathering
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Gardening: Our First Attempt
After 6 years of living in apartments, it’s been so nice to have our own house. The transition to being homeowners has been pretty easy, but it also comes with new experiences – like gardening! Neither of us had any prior gardening knowledge, so it’s been a lot of fun experimenting and learning as we … Continue reading
Categories: Daily Life, Gardening