Living Room & Bedroom Redecoration

Living Room

Living Room

Our rug arrived yesterday! Hooray! We weren’t expecting it for a few weeks, so we were delighted when we got a phone call saying that it came in early. I fell in love with the rug when we first saw it 2 months ago and although we’ve done a lot of rug shopping, we never found one we liked better.

We went furniture shopping on the 4th of July, which is when we purchased our sofa. We visited a dozen furniture stores to get ideas and we ended up finding a super comfy couch that we really liked. We weren’t planning on buying a couch that day, but we couldn’t pass up the 4th of July deal on it.



After 6 years of not being able to sleep in because of the sun shining through the windows, we knew we wanted curtains for our new house right away. Neither of us were very knowledgeable about picking out curtains, but I think we did a decent job. We found some dark brown curtains that block a lot of light and a set of sheer curtains. The sheer curtains also came in a “curtain scarf,” so we got one of those, too, to make it look pretty. The curtains match our bedding set really well and give the room a nice finished look. And we love that the sun won’t be able to wake us up unwillingly anymore! 😛


Categories: Home Improvement, Townhouse | 3 Comments

3 Responses to Living Room & Bedroom Redecoration

  1. Carrie says:

    Fun! Always fun to decorate and make a new place a home! 🙂

  2. Donna says:

    Marie & Nick,
    Wonderful choices – it looks so cozy. Isn’t it fun!

    Donna and Suki

  3. Mike says:

    Looks good can’t wait to see it in person :o)