Exploring the Neighborhood

Hello! Sorry for the lack of posts the last few days; Nick and I have been busy unpacking, nesting, and exploring. 🙂

Dick's Drive-In Restaurant

Dick’s Drive-In Restaurant

Grandma came down to have lunch with me on Wednesday. Grandpa repaired a drawer for us that needed some minor fixing (thanks, Grandpa!) and Grandma brought it down with her. There is a burger restaurant called Dick’s by us, whose chain is a Seattle icon. Dick’s was founded in 1954 and is Seattle’s oldest, continuously operating fast food restaurant. Somehow, Grandma had never been to Dick’s (!!!), so we walked over there for lunch. We had burgers, fries, and milkshakes and then walked around the neighborhood for a while.

Lake City Farmers Market

Lake City Farmers Market

On Thursdays, Lake City has a farmers market, which is conveniently just a few streets down from us.  Nick and I walked there after he got off work on Thursday to check it out. They had all sorts of local produce and some local restaurants had tents where they were selling food like wood-fired pizza, crepes, quesadillas, etc. Nick and I came home with some strawberries that were picked earlier that day, broccoli, and a pretzel from Kaffeeklatsch, a local German bakery.

Safeway Parking Sign

Safeway Parking Sign for Fuel-Efficient Vehicles

Today, we did a little shopping for our new home. I think we’ll post pictures tomorrow. We’re really excited about our new additions. 🙂 Fred Meyer (a Kroger-owned grocery store) is the closest grocery store to us, but I’ve been wanting to check out the Safeway (another grocery store) down the street, which looked really nice. Well, today we had to get some ingredients for dinner (Nick’s writing a post about our dinner right now), so we decided to visit the Safeway. OMG! When we got there, we saw there were special parking spots in front just for Gunter (see picture to the left)! How awesome is that?!? It definitely earned the Safeway some points, lol. Then, we went inside and were like ooh this is nice. The staff was very friendly, too. I think we’ll still go to Fred Meyer for some things, but the Safeway isn’t that much farther away, so I’m sure we’ll shop there frequently. 🙂

Categories: Daily Life, Outing, Seattle, Townhouse | 2 Comments

2 Responses to Exploring the Neighborhood

  1. Carrie says:

    Grandma had never been to a Dick’s??? Will she ever go again?? 🙂 Gunter must feel very special to have his own special parking spot! That’s really cool! I’ve never seen that before! 😀

    • Marie says:

      I was shocked, too! I think Grandma enjoyed it and it was a really nice day to go for a walk. 🙂 Yeah, very cool about the special Gunter parking spots. We definitely thought that was awesome!