Mount Baker Ridge Viewpoint Photo

Incredible sunset photo of Seattle by Darrell Benedict. It’s taken from the Mount Baker Ridge Viewpoint, so I guess Nick and I will have to take our camera there sometime. 😉

From Mount Baker Ridge Viewpoint

Categories: Photography, Seattle | 3 Comments

3 Responses to Mount Baker Ridge Viewpoint Photo

  1. Tom Krupka says:

    Love the view Marie!! Hope things are going well for you two!! 🙂

    • Marie says:

      Me too! It’s such a neat photo. Those are the Olympic Mountains in the background and Smith Tower (Seattle’s oldest skyscraper) on the right. Things are going really well for us. 🙂 We miss you guys!

  2. Carrie Davis says:

    Smith Tower was, at one time, the tallest skyscraper west of the Mississippi. 🙂