Happy Spring!


Hooray for spring! This winter has been colder and wetter in Seattle than normal, but at least it’s an improvement on what Nick and I are used to! I think Western Washington even broke some snowfall records, but (thankfully) we didn’t see that much snow here in Seattle.

The flowers are starting to bloom now, as you can see in the picture of the daffodils in front of our apartment (above). The cherry trees in the quad at UW are ready to bloom any day now and Nick is going to take pictures once that happens.

Nick and I had a nice weekend. On Friday, we went over to my friend Peter’s place for a housewarming party. Peter and his girlfriend, Karly, recently moved into a place not too far from us.  It was nice to see them and meet some of their other friends. We brought out Peter’s Super Nintendo and played old games like Super Mario World, Super Mario Kart, and Street Fighter. 🙂 On Sunday, we hung out with Dad and did some shopping. We got some new shoes, had dinner at Outback, and then went to Ikea to pick up a few things and get some storage/organization ideas.

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