My Hometown is Better Than Yours

This is a funny article someone wrote about Seattle: My Hometown is Better Than Yours

Let’s see… what have Nick and I been up to? We visited Aunt Jeannie and Uncle Gene a little over a week ago. It had been far too long since I had seen them, so it was really nice to spend time with them. 🙂

Most of last week, I was busy studying for Thursday’s on-site interview with It went fairly well and I should know by the end of the week whether or not I got the job. Even if I don’t get the job, it was still a really good experience.

We helped Mom take down her Christmas tree on Saturday and then we went out to lunch with Dad. Our Christmas tree and decorations are still up for now. They make the apartment feel so cheerful. 😛

Season 2 of Downton Abbey (a British series that takes place in the early 1900’s) premiered on Sunday, which we were excited about. Nick and I don’t have cable and our antenna doesn’t pick up PBS (we’re pretty much limited to ABC, NBC, and CBS). Thankfully, PBS put the show online when it aired, so we were able to watch it right away. 🙂 Season 1 is available online, too, if you’re interested in watching it.

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