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Monthly Archives: November 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Nick and I spent the holiday with about a dozen family members at my uncle’s house. I made Muddy Buddies, Andes mint cookies, and my Great Grandma’s 3-layer Jello salad. Everything tasted great, even though my Jello salad morphed into Jello soup (Sorry, everyone! Grandpa figured out … Continue reading »

Categories: Daily Life, Social Gathering | 5 Comments

Pancreatic Cancer Walk

On Sunday morning, Grandma and some of her friends (one of whom is a pancreatic cancer survivor) participated in PurpleStride Puget Sound, a fundraiser walk to support the fight against pancreatic cancer. It was located at Magnuson Park (right across the street from us), so Nick and I walked down to the park to cheer … Continue reading »

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