Puyallup Fair

Dad with Sasquatch

Dad with Sasquatch

On Friday, Nick went on a work retreat with his Information School coworkers to Daybreak Star Cultural Center at Discovery Park. I don’t have a lot to report on that because I wasn’t there. 😛 Nick had a good time, though.

On Saturday, we went to the Puyallup Fair with Dad and Amanda. The Puyallup Fair is one of the largest fairs in the U.S. and gets over a million visitors every year. Unfortunately, we happened to choose what was probably the worst day to visit the fair, because Saturday was chilly and drizzly. The weather’s back to sunny and 70’s this week, though. Anyhoo, I quickly found myself a cute wool hat to keep me dry and warm once we entered the fairgrounds. 😉

It wasn’t long before we got a dozen fair scones, which is a necessity when you go to the Puyallup Fair. Yummy! We saw all sorts of animals: bunnies, llamas, goats, chickens, horses, pigs, cows, ducks, and more. Some of the horses were huge! We watched as some of the animals were judged, too. I think we even witnessed some people judging meat, which instantly made us think of Mom, who judged meat when she was younger. 😛 Amanda and I also recited the FFA Creed (at least, as much as we know) a few times… thanks, Mom.


Amanda playing accordian

Amanda playing accordian

Aside from the animals, there were lots of arts and crafts. We saw someone carving figures out of wood with a chainsaw. There was a junior and senior high art show with over 1000 pieces of artwork. The interactive music exhibit that let you play with instruments from all over the world was pretty cool, too. Oh, and there was a mini museum that had all sorts of old western artifacts.

There were a ton of vendors at the fair. Nick happily bought himself some local blackberry honey and then we found a new gnome to add to our collection. 🙂 Dad had fun… exercising?… on some weird jiggling exercise machine.

There were other things at the fair that we didn’t experience… like the concerts, rides, rodeos, and so on. We’ll save those for another time. 😛 After the fair, we went to a nearby Olive Garden for soup and salad.

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