Long-Awaited Update

Sorry we haven’t updated the blog in so long! We’re starting to settle into our new home. We love it here and most of our exploring lately has been just driving around through the neighborhoods of Seattle – nothing particularly picture or blog-worthy. The weather has been amazing lately! We’ve lost count of how many consecutive 80-degree days Seattle has had. Tomorrow, it may even get up to 90 degrees! O_O Next week should be really nice, too – temps in the low-70’s.

Nick, Marie, & Amanda

Nick, me, and Amanda at Grandma and Grandpa W's

A few weeks ago, Nick, Amanda, and I visited our grandparents in the Tri-Cities (in Eastern Washington, about a 3.5 hour drive). We were very busy while we were there! Grandma and Grandpa W (Dad’s mom and stepdad) took us out to dinner at Red Lobster (where we feasted on crab!) and P.F. Changs. We also picked peaches (nectarines weren’t quite ripe enough yet – darn!) and went to a fruit market that had GIGANTIC Walla Walla onions. We also got to spend some time with Jackie (Grandma’s sister), Luther and Esther (Grandma’s brother and his wife), Gary and Karen (Dad’s brother and his wife. Thank you for the home-grown veggies, Karen!), and Grandma and Grandpa D (Dad’s dad and stepmom). We played a few games of Shanghai Rummy while we were there, too. 🙂

Snoqualmie Pass Backup

Snoqualmie Pass Backup

On the way home from the Tri-Cities, our 3.5-hour drive turned into a 6-hour drive! :O There was an accident on Snoqualmie Pass that caused a huge backup for miles miles. We were literally parked on the interstate. There was a horse trailer up ahead of us and they took the horses out and walked them along the interstate. Some people desperately needed to use the bathroom and had to resort to going in the forest on the side of the road. Thankfully, we had food, water, and Internet access!

A week or so after the Tri-Cities trip, Mom, Amanda, and I went to the Washington Park Arboretum. We walked 4 miles through the park and along Union Bay. It was a very warm day, so by the end of our walk, Amanda and I were very hot, sweaty, and worn out. Mom was still full of energy, though! The pictures below are all from the trip to the Arboretum.

Arboretum Path

Arboretum Path

Marsh Island Walkway

Marsh Island Walkway

Union Bay Canoers

Union Bay Canoers

Husky Stadium

Husky Stadium

Mom and Herbie

Mom and Herbie

Totem Pole

Totem Pole

Well, those are the most exciting things that Nick and I have been up to in the last few weeks. We’ve also tried a few new recipes, I suppose. I made Peach Muffins with the peaches we picked in the Tri-Cities, but they didn’t turn out that great. There was not a lot of peach flavor. We also made Chicken Shawarma, which was awesome. It wasn’t like the shawarma we had back in Michigan, but it was still really, really good. Tonight, Dad is coming over for dinner after his baseball game and we are going to try out a Baked Salmon Fillet recipe.

Categories: Cooking, Outing, Restaurant, Seattle, Social Gathering | 1 Comment

One Response to Long-Awaited Update

  1. Donna says:

    Hi Marie and Nick,
    Just love your adventures and your new area – just beautiful. This time I went to the recipe for balked salmon as a friend just gave me some Alaskan Salmon – so your timing was just perfect. Keep your logs coming as I just love hearing about and seeing all of the things you folks are up to.
    Hugs, Donna and Suki