For the last couple of days, Nick and I have been spending time with my great aunt and uncle, Martha Sue and Jim, who are visiting from Texas. On Wednesday, we spent the evening with them at Mom and Amanda’s.
Yesterday, we (Martha Sue, Jim, Mom, Amanda, and I) started the day by going to Saint Mark’s Cathedral on Capitol Hill to see an art exhibit, Icons in Transformation by Russian-Swedish artist, Ludmila Pawlowska. The artist was at the cathedral will we were viewing the exhibit, so we got to talk to her while we were there. I wasn’t sure if photography was allowed or not, so I didn’t take any pictures, but you can view the artwork on the artist’s website.
After that, we drove around Capitol Hill for a bit and made our way to Volunteer Park. Volunteer Park is home to the Seattle Asian Art Museum, a conservatory, a water tower, the Black Sun sculpture, and a great view of Seattle and the Space Needle. The picture at the top of this post was taken through the Black Sun sculpture. There was an awesome koi fish pond at the park, too, with lots of different-colored koi.
After Volunteer Park, we headed to University Village to have lunch at Boom Noodle. Om nom nom! Then, we headed over to Nick’s and my apartment so that they could check out our new home. Martha Sue and Jim used to live in the area, so we went looking for their old house and found it!
Here are some more pictures of Martha Sue, Amanda, Mom, and me being a little goofy at Volunteer Park:
For a native you are being quite the tourist… 🙂 What’s next, the Fremont Farmer’s Market (Sunday only)? The Locks? The Loop Trail in Discovery Park?
Such a fun day!! 🙂