We are busy people! Sorry we haven’t updated the blog in a few days; we have been out and about and the data is come-and-go at the cabin.
On Wednesday, July 6, we spent the day with Mom and Amanda. We got to see Mom’s new house and the surrounding area. We also drove past our new apartment and some of the neighborhoods in Seattle. The four of us had lunch at Pallino in University Village. After that, we hung out with Dad and searched for houses online.
On Thursday, July 7, Nick and I saw our apartment for the first time and signed the lease. It’s smaller than the old apartment, but it’ll do. We then went furniture shopping with Mom and Amanda to see what was available for the few pieces of furniture we’ll need at the new apartment. We also watched Harry Potter & the Deathly Hollows – Part 1 in preparation for Part 2, which comes out this Friday.
On Friday, July 8, we got our Washington State driver’s licenses… and I found out that I’m going blind, lol. Well, not really, but I can’t see far away as well as I used to. I barely passed my vision test, so I’m going to see an eye doctor next month about getting glasses. >< After that, we went to Grandma and Grandpa’s to clean our cars (inside and out) and we went out to dinner with them at a Mexican restaurant.
Yesterday was the first day in a long time in which we weren’t super busy. We just stayed at the cabin all day and relaxed. 🙂
As of today, we’re staying at Uncle Eric’s until the apartment is ready on Thursday. Nick starts work tomorrow – how exciting!
Now that I’m at an actual computer (our laptop), here are some before & after pictures of the old apartment:

Outside the apartment. Ours was the top-right (with the turret).

Apartment - Before

Apartment - After
It was so weird to see our apartment without our things in it. I’ll be sure to take pictures of the new apartment when we move in later this week. 🙂