Buddy’s with Buddies

Yesterday, we visited Nick’s aunt and cousins. We talked about the move and what life is going to be like in Seattle. Hopefully, they’ll come visit us in Seattle soon. 🙂

Wasabi Lunch

Bulgogi at Wasabi

Today, we had our farewell lunch at Wasabi (Korean & Japanese restaurant in Detroit) with our Marketing coworkers. My Computer Science friends introduced me to Wasabi’s awesomeness while I was still in school and it’s within walking distance of Marketing, so it was an obvious choice for our farewell lunch. Nick and I got bulgogi, which is Korean barbecued beef. It was served with miso soup, fried rice, fresh fruit, two gyozas, and 3 California rolls. Om nom nom! It’s hard to believe that we’re only going to be at work for another two days (we both have tomorrow off). We’ll be driving out to Seattle before we know it!

Buddies at Buddy's

Marie and her Computer Science buddies at Buddy's Pizza

After work, we headed to Buddy’s Pizza to meet with some of my Computer Science friends. Buddy’s Pizza is “Detroit’s #1 square pizza since 1946” and my friend, Yuk, was probably going to kill me if I didn’t try it before we left. We split a Detroiter pizza (cheese, pepperoni, tomato basil sauce, parmesan cheese, and spices) and a Super pizza (cheese, pepperoni, onions, green peppers, mushrooms, and ham) between the six of us. Very yummy. 🙂 Time sure flew while we were there, though; we spent four hours chatting at Buddy’s. 😛

Nick and Marie at Buddy's Pizza

Marie and Nick at Buddy's Pizza

In other news, it seems almost certain that we will need two relocubes in order to fit all of our stuff. We have more things than we thought we did! At least with two relocubes, we’ll be able to bring things with us that we though we’d have to leave behind (like our couch, the TV stand, maybe our coffee table, etc.).

Nick and I still have a bit of packing to do and we have to clean our apartment before we leave, so I’m glad we have tomorrow off. We’re going to be busy! Tomorrow night, we’re going to Nick’s dad’s for dinner with all of Nick’s family.

Categories: Social Gathering, The Move | 5 Comments

5 Responses to Buddy’s with Buddies

  1. Chun says:

    There is something missing in that picture… Me and my invite 🙁

    • Nick says:

      Marie said that you’re way up in Canada land and busy and that’s why she neglected to invite you. You’ll have to take this up with her.

      • Marie says:

        And it was kind of a last minute thing. :-/ Didn’t think you’d be able to make it. But it definitely was not the same without you, Chun. We just talked about you the entire time and how much we missed you. 😉

  2. Chun says:

    So what you two are saying is because I’m canadian eh? Damn our igloo houses! I even take the time to read everyone of your posts so that way I feels like I’m on the trip. Miss you guys and I still want nick to hop in vent one day just to say “HA”!…

    • Marie says:

      Miss you, too! You and Nancy have to come visit Seattle sometime. 🙂 Nick’s computer isn’t set up yet, but once it is, maybe he’ll hop in Vent for you. 😉