Jobs – Wests Go West Nick and Marie's move to Seattle Fri, 31 Jan 2025 16:39:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Thanksgiving /2012/11/thanksgiving/ /2012/11/thanksgiving/#comments Wed, 28 Nov 2012 20:51:36 +0000 Continue reading »]]> Happy holidays! I hope everyone had a pleasant Thanksgiving. Nick and I had 13 people over at our place for Thanksgiving dinner. We weren’t sure if everyone would fit, but it actually wasn’t bad. Nick did a great job with the turkey and there was plenty of other yummy food to eat. We really had fun having everyone over!

Nick and I have a lot to be thankful for. We’re both really happy in general with how our lives have been going and we’re glad that we were able to get our first house this year. Nick enjoys his job and people seem to really appreciate his hard work. As for my job? Well… I just found out that the company is going to close its doors due to financial struggles. I’m not looking forward to looking for a new job, but I’m grateful for the time I got to work there. I learned a lot of new things and had fun doing what I love.

So does anyone know of any good game development jobs in the Seattle area? πŸ˜‰

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Job Update + Zaw Pizza /2012/09/job-update-zaw-pizza/ Thu, 27 Sep 2012 03:50:49 +0000 Continue reading »]]> My name badge for the Casual Connect conference

My name badge for the Casual Connect conference I went to in July

Several people have asked me how I’ve been enjoying my new game development job. Well, I really like it and I’ve been learning a ton! πŸ™‚ It’s a small start-up company, so it’s just me and two other developers. It took a while to get used to the new software, tools, and libraries and I’m still learning new things every day. In addition to development, I’m also involved in the design process and it’s been fun offering my input in the games we’re working on. I also like when we get to spend time testing games (getting paid to play games, darn!). πŸ˜› We have a couple of games that should be released shortly, so I’ll be sure to let you guys know when they’re available.

Oh, and one of the neat things about being a game developer I can justify playing video games as “research.” πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜€

Nick has been keeping busy in his job, too. He was nominated and recognized for being awesome at a recent annual iSchool retreat. He’s also now on two UW certificate advisory boards. Nick’s been working hard on the new iSchool website, which launches next week. It’ll be a huge improvement over the current website and everyone’s really excited to see it go live.

Zaw pizza

Last night’s Zaw pizza

Last night, we had pizza from Zaw, a bake-at-home pizza place that uses fresh, local ingredients. We wereΒ first introduced to Zaw by Martin (one of Nick’s coworkers) and his wife, Shelly, shortly after we moved to Seattle last year. When Groupon had a 50% off deal the other day, we couldn’t pass it up. We tried a pizza that was half Arugula Patch (prosciutto, cherry tomatoes, basil, parmesan, mozzarella, and arugula) and half Tailgate Feast (bacon, pepperoni, caramelized red onions, parmesan, and mozzarella). Both were really good. πŸ™‚

Sean (a friend of ours) moved to Seattle a couple weeks ago and it’s been fun teaching him all of the quirks about Seattle, along with fun things to see and good places to eat. Most of the major differences relate to traffic: carpool lanes, express lanes, tolls, the bus system, parking, etc., but there are other things like the plastic bag ban and recycling / food & yard waste that he’s been getting used to, too.

What else is new? Nick and I started playing a new game calledΒ Guild Wars 2Β that I’ve beenΒ blogging about on my personal blog. It’s an MMORPG similar toΒ World of Warcraft, but with a lot of improvements. Nick and I have been having fun exploring the world and seeing this new take on the genre.

Getting Around /2012/07/getting-around/ /2012/07/getting-around/#comments Wed, 18 Jul 2012 02:41:29 +0000 Continue reading »]]> One of the awesome things about our house is that it has a Walk Score of 90, which means there is a lot within walking distance of us. We had some errands to run yesterday (going to the bank, dropping off Redbox, and picking up something for dinner) and we were able to do it all in a short walk. There are several bus stops around us, too, so Nick is able to take any one of three buses (whichever gets to the bus stop first) on his way home from work, which is pretty nice.

There isn’t, however, a nice way for me to get to work via bus. πŸ™ It takes me about 45 minutes to get to work in the morning and an hour home in the evening (yay traffic). I usually see several other Smart Car drivers during my commute, though, and their smiling and waving helps makes the drive more bearable. πŸ˜›

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Settling In /2012/07/settling-in/ Sat, 07 Jul 2012 04:48:56 +0000 Continue reading »]]> Blooming Clematis

Clematis in our Backyard

It’s been almost 2 weeks since we moved in to our new house and it totally feels like home. πŸ™‚ We still have some boxes to unpack and decorations to put up, though, which is probably why we haven’t uploaded many pictures of our place yet. Expect some soon, though! In the meantime, enjoy the picture on the right of the clematis (thank you for telling me what it was, Mom!) that is blooming in our backyard.

I started my new job as a software developer at a start-up game development company on Monday. I’m really excited to be working there and I know I’m going to learn a lot. My first few days were mostly setting up my computer and whatnot, but I started diving into code on Thursday. The guys I work with are pretty cool. The worst part is the commute, but I can more or less set my own work hours, so I’m trying to find out which times are best for driving.

The weather in Seattle has been really nice this week. The forecast for the upcoming week looks very summery, too – sunny and highs in the low 80’s. That’s a little hotter than I like it, but I’m not going to complain while the rest of the country is dealing with 100Β°+ temperatures. πŸ˜‰

Seattle Weather Forecast

On July 1, Seattle enacted a plastic bag ban. Nick and I have been using reusable grocery bags for the past year, so it’s not a big deal for us, but we have to be extra careful not to forget them now. With our house, we also have a food and yard waste bin, which is new for us. Between food and yard waste and recycling, we find that we don’t produce that much actual garbage, which is kind of nice.

We met the couple we bought our house from earlier this week. They had some mail in the mailbox that didn’t get forwarded, so we said they could stop by to pick it up. They were really nice, friendly people and we enjoyed meeting them. They filled us in about our alarm system and told us that the shoe rack they left was custom-built for our house by her father, so they were happy we were using it.

Main Bathroom

Main Bathroom

One of the first decoration projects I tackled was the main bathroom. We only had one bathroom’s worth of bath mats, shower curtains, towels, etc., so I knew we would have to get something for the main bathroom fairly soon. I wrestled with various colorΒ palettesΒ before I found a green and white shower curtain I liked and I picked the rest of the bathroom accessories based on it. The result is pictured on the left. Nick and I are really happy with it and smile every time we walk past the bathroom (it’s such a cheerful green!). Now we just need to find some art or something to put on the walls.

We also bought some curtains for our bedroom and a sofa for the living room that we’ll show off in another post. πŸ™‚

The weather was really nice this evening, so Nick and I went for a walk around the neighborhood. We stopped at Joy Teriyaki to try out their teriyaki. We both liked it, but I think it could have used a little more teriyaki sauce. Yelp reviews for Joy Teriyaki recommend their Mongolian menu – especially the huushuur, a Mongolian pastry filled with beef, onion, and garlic. We’ll have to try it out next time!

More Exciting News! /2012/06/more-exciting-news/ /2012/06/more-exciting-news/#comments Tue, 05 Jun 2012 21:26:28 +0000 Continue reading »]]> As if June wasn’t already exciting enough (buying our first house, Nick’s mom coming to visit, 10 year anniversary of Nick and I meeting, Nick hiring a new student assistant at work,…), I have something else exciting to share:

I got a job! πŸ˜€

I am going to be doing game development for a start-up company in Redmond. They make family-friendly puzzle and strategy games for mobile devices, Facebook, and desktop computers. Since this month is already going to be pretty hectic, I’m going to wait until July 2 to start working there. I can’t wait! πŸ™‚

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Magnificat and /2011/12/magnificat-and-amazon-com/ /2011/12/magnificat-and-amazon-com/#comments Tue, 13 Dec 2011 20:23:12 +0000 Continue reading »]]> Last Monday evening, Nick and I watched Amanda sing in PLU’s Christmas concert at Benaroya Hall in Seattle. Benaroya Hall is a beautiful building located in downtown Seattle and it features two glass “chandeliers” by local glass sculptor, Dale Chihuly. Amanda sang her heart out, even though she was sick. Poor Amanda. πŸ™

On Thursday afternoon, I had a phone interview with that went pretty well. The interview was with a developer at Amazon Webstore (where I would also work, if I get offered the job). The phone interview was very technical and I think I did a good job answering his questions. After I got off the phone, though, I thought of a better solution for the last question he asked me. D’oh! I heard back from Amazon the next day and they want me do a 5-8 hour on-site interview at the beginning of January. πŸ™‚

In other news, I created a desktop application for the University of Washington Information School IT Help Desk. When someone is experiencing a technical problem on their computer, the application lets the user submit a ticket to the IT Help Desk (and, for the IT guys, it also collects and submits relevant system information about the machine). They are really happy with the application and it is probably going to go on the lab computers within the next week or so. Very cool!

And Nick and I celebrate our 4th wedding anniversary today. πŸ™‚

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Rain /2011/09/rain/ /2011/09/rain/#comments Mon, 26 Sep 2011 15:28:53 +0000 Continue reading »]]>

Out my office window

I’ve been taking the bus since mid July and this was the first time I’ve had to deal with rain. That’s almost 3 months of no rain before or after work, in Seattle. I was begining to think that the “rainy city” was a myth concocted by the folks who live here to keep everyone else from rushing in and furthering the congestion on the roads. I’d say the weather here has been pretty good.

If this is how Seattle does rain I’m not going to miss Michigan’s weather one bit. It’s a light sprinkling of drops that make a calming noise as they hit the ground. In fact my office window is open and I don’t have headphones on because the rain sounds that nice.

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My first day at the University of Washington /2011/07/my-first-day-at-the-university-of-washington/ /2011/07/my-first-day-at-the-university-of-washington/#comments Tue, 12 Jul 2011 03:39:57 +0000 Continue reading »]]> Today was my first day working at the University of Washington Information School. It has been a pretty awesome day. Marie drove me down so I wouldn’t have to pay for parking ($15/day without having assign/prepaid parking). My office is in Mary Gates Hall (previously the physics building for those who were wondering what building this is). The office is a good size for the group of people that I’ll be working with (four full time IT people and a handful of student assistants). It’s an open office with a bunch of desks and 2 nice big windows that open. I’m on a 27″ iMac with an extra 24″ monitor (even more desktop space than before or at home).

My new work home (Mary Gates Hall)

The building itself is pretty confusing, but it looks awesome and has a ton of artwork to view while trying to find your way around. I’m on the third floor but the Information School has folks on multiple floors (from garden level up to the 3rd, maybe 4th?). The weather today was pretty much perfect (70s and only slightly cloudy) except for a slight drizzle on the way home from work.

My day was pretty busy with meeting everyone, learning my way around and filling out some HR paperwork. Everyone I met seems to be really awesome and I’m very excited to get to know them all better, especially the IT team. Martin, one of my new coworkers, was an awesome tour guide who showed me around the building and gave me a quick bit of campus highlights while we walked to lunch. We ate at Schultzy’s Sausage on the Ave. I had “The Schultzy” for lunch. It’s a sausage burger with onions and bell peppers on it, and it was quite tasty.

All in all, I’m very excited to dive into work and get to know everyone in the Information School. It’s going to be quite a bit different from Wayne, but I think it’s a good different and I’m pretty geeked about getting to work in this environment.


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Just heard from Nick /2011/07/just-heard-from-nick/ /2011/07/just-heard-from-nick/#comments Mon, 11 Jul 2011 20:30:50 +0000 I just heard from Nick! It sounds like he is having a great time. He said everyone is wonderful and they went out to lunch at Shultzy’s Sausage. I can’t wait to hear more about his day when I pick him up this evening! πŸ˜€

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Nick’s first day of work /2011/07/nicks-first-day-of-work/ /2011/07/nicks-first-day-of-work/#comments Mon, 11 Jul 2011 16:08:41 +0000 Continue reading »]]> I’m back at Eric’s after dropping Nick off at the University of Washington for his first day of work. So exciting! It took us just over half an hour to get there and it took me a little less than half an hour to get back. Gotta love carpool lanes. πŸ˜‰

Nick is now a web developer for the iSchool (Information School), which is in Mary Gates Hall (formerly known as the Physics Building).

I haven’t heard from Nick yet (he’s been at work for an hour so far), but I’m sure he’s very busy. His coworkers are going to take him out to lunch today to celebrate. I’m very anxious to hear how his first day goes! πŸ™‚

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