Blueberries & Horses

Blueberry Picking

Nick picking blueberries

Nick and I were busy yesterday! We took some boxes up to the cabin for storage and when we got there, Uncle Eric was there to greet us. We learned that he had been up at the cabin to carry wood from the dock all the way up to the driveway… and he could use help! So Nick and I helped him haul wood for a while (what a workout!). Grandma, Grandpa, Martha Sue, Jim, and Caleb (my cousin) came up to the cabin with pizza for lunch shortly after we finished hauling wood. We went back to Grandma and Grandpa’s house and then visited a nearby u-pick blueberry farm with Grandma, Martha Sue, and Caleb. Nick and Caleb had a competition to see who could go the longest without eating a blueberry and (supposedly) neither one of them ate a single blueberry while we were there.

Horse Riding

Stephanie riding Tawny with Keegan and Grandpa leading

We went back to Grandma and Grandpa’s house after picking blueberries and by the time we got there, Brooke, Stephanie, and Keegan (aunt and cousins) had shown up. We had fun hanging out with everyone. We played Ladder Golf and Caleb, Stephanie, and Keegan took turns riding Tawny (one of Grandma and Grandpa’s horses). Keegan, in particular, really enjoyed riding and leading the horse and feeding her apples. I even got peer pressured into riding Tawny for a little while, too. 😛

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